Shipping & Delivery

What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charge varies with each Seller.
  1. Sellers incur relatively higher shipping costs on low value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps them offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products.
  2. For Products listed as F-Assured a Rs 40 charge for delivery per item is applied if the order value is less than Rs 500. While, orders of Rs 500 or above are delivered free.

Why does the delivery date not correspond to the delivery timeline of X-Y business days?

  1. It is possible that the Seller or our courier partners have a holiday between the day your placed your order and the date of delivery, which is based on the timelines shown on the product page. In this case, we add a day to the estimated date. Some courier partners and Sellers do not work on Sundays and this is factored in to the delivery dates.

What is the estimated delivery time?

Sellers generally procure and ship the items within the time specified on the product page. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.

Estimated delivery time depends on the following factors:

  • The Seller offering the product
  • Product's availability with the Seller
  • The destination to which you want the order shipped to and location of the Seller.

What do the different tags like "In Stock", "Available" mean?

'In Stock'

FFor items listed as "In Stock", Sellers will mention the delivery time based on your location pincode (usually 2-3 business days, 4-5 business days or 4-6 business days in areas where standard courier service is available). For other areas, orders will be sent by Registered Post through the Indian Postal Service which may take 1-2 weeks depending on the location.


The Seller might not have the item in stock but can procure it when an order is placed for the item. The delivery time will depend on the estimated procurement time and the estimated shipping time to your location.

Preorder' or 'Forthcoming

Such items are expected to be released soon and can be pre-booked for you. The item will be shipped to you on the day of it's official release launch and will reach you in 2 to 6 business days. The Preorder duration varies from item to item. Once known, release time and date is mentioned. (Eg. 5th May, August 3rd week)

Out of Stock

Currently, the item is not available for sale. Use the 'Notify Me' feature to know once it is available for purchase.

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