Return Policy

  1. We do not accept payment if refund needs to be desperate, if refund requested after delivery then werefund within 5 days of product returned back to us.
  2. Refund only possible if, the product is delivered back & shipment cost to be borne by the customer.
  3. If the goods are delivered in the damaged condition to the customer, then the shipping cost is to be borne by the company. And we will reship the product. Mode of refund would be credit card refund.
  4. No Exchange Policy Customer can send product back and claim refund.
  5. No Cancellation Policy If, customer cancels midway after product shipped they will have the ship it back and claim refund.
  6. If the product needs to be cancelled due to any reason prior the receipt, shipping charges will not be charged if product not shipped at that point of time.
  • Free Shipping & Return
    Free shipping on all orders
  • Earn Money
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  • Money Guarantee
    15 days money back guarantee
  • Online Support
    We support online 24/7 on day
  • Secure Payments
    All payment are Secured and trusted.